Sunday, June 14, 2009

These are stories for the next bull market.

Dear all,

These are stories for the next bull market, for you to share with your investors:

1. The Savings Story
2. The Inflation Story
3. The Takeover Story
4. The Shareholder Story

Happy selling!


June 9 (Bloomberg) -- Plenty of people will dismiss the recent stock-price recovery as a dead-cat bounce. Even more will call it a bear-market rally.

Yet as equity prices creep higher, the bears may soon have to concede defeat. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has gained about 15 percent since early December and most other major benchmarks have made solid gains in the same period. At some point, it will become known as the 2009-2013 bull market.

Only one thing is missing: a story. A real bull market needs a simple narrative that convinces investors that equities are worth double what they were valued at only a few months ago.

So what could be the story this time around? There are four plausible candidates: rising savings, accelerating inflation, a takeover boom,and the scarcity of capital.

Markets need stories as much as any Hollywood scriptwriter does. Stock prices go up, down and sideways for reasons we will probably never quite figure out. Human brains find that hard to handle, so we like an easy explanation that puts things in order. Chaos and randomness are the scary alternatives.

During the bull market of the 1990s, we had the dot-com, New Economy story to explain the surge in stock values.

During the 2003-2007 bull market, we had globalization and the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China.

And for the next bull market? Here are four “stories” that could be used to justify it.

Save Money

The Savings Story:

People are putting money aside again. The U.S. savings rate in April jumped to 5.7 percent, the highest rate for 14 years. Michael Darda,chief economist at MKM Partners LP in Greenwich, Connecticut,estimates it will reach 9 percent, compared with a low of minus 2.7 percent at the peak of the housing boom.

There’s no mystery about
that. Households, much like banks, are repairing their balance sheets,and they can only do that by saving more.

The same will probably be true of other heavily indebted economies such as Britain. All that saved money has to go somewhere. With interest rates close to zero, there’s no point keeping it in the bank.

Instead, a wall of money is about to descend on the market, creating
huge demand for equities.

The Inflation Story:

Central banks around the world are following the policies of “quantitative easing,” or what used to be known as printing money. At a certain point, it is bound to cause high inflation rates, or at the very least an investor fear of surging prices. It may already have done so.

Real Assets

You don’t want to be holding cash while inflation makes it less valuable by the day, and central banks keep creating more of the stuff. Instead, investors will switch into real assets that can hold
their value, such as stocks, real estate or commodities. Equities are the simplest to trade, and more demand equals higher prices.

The Takeover Story:

The last rally was all about the emergence of the BRIC economies. This one will be about them buying North American and European assets. The rising BRIC giants are going to need technology and brand names, and they will want to buy them. That is already happening -- Russian interests just acquired a big stake in General Motors Corp.’s European unit Adam Opel GmbH.

Expect a massive takeover boom as the BRIC giants clamor for the prizes. They will end up paying a premium for trophy assets, another good reason to push up the value of equities.

Access to Capital

The Shareholder Story:

Over the last decade, chief executive officers loved to talk about shareholder value. Mostly it was just nonsense. CEOs didn’t need stockholders because capital was easily accessed from banks or the bond market. If that didn’t work, they could get a friendly private-equity firm to buy them out, or pay a crazy price for a unit.

Shareholders were about as influential as the cleaners or the secretaries, and ranked about as high in corporate priorities.

Now that is about to change. In the coming years, capital will be in short supply. The only place that companies will be able to get it will be from their shareholders. In return, they will have to be rewarded with higher dividends and stock prices.

Now all we need is for Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to pick one of those stories, put it into every research note, and this bull market can get some real momentum.

Who knows, investment bankers may be out buying Bentleys again this year if this rally has legs.

(Matthew Lynn is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.)


Sunday, May 24, 2009





Kadar inflasi di Malaysia mencecah 7.7% pada bulan Jun 2008..kenaikan petrol.harga barang.etc..
Apakah ini dapat di kawal oleh kita?


Kematian dan kemalangan..Kematian dan Hilang upaya akibat kemalangan meningkat setiap tahun..

Jumlah kenderaan terbabit kemalangan pada tahun 2007 sebanyak 16,812,440..melibatkan kematian seramai 6,282 orang..

Setiap kali kemalangan apakah bayangan anda..adakah ianya berlaku pada orang lain sahaja.?

----------------->JANGKA HAYAT

Kemajuan teknologi masa kini dapat membantu orang ramai mengekalkan gaya hidup dan pemakanan yang baik..

Produk dan makanan tambahan banyak membantu. Banyak penyakit dapat dirawat..oleh itu rakyat bertambah sihat..

Dianggarkan pada 2015 jangka hayat purata sehingga 72.8 tahun bagi lelaki..dan 77.7 tahun untuk perempuan. Berapakah bekalan simpanan yang diperlukan untuk menampung hari hari emas kita?Persaraan ada suatu percutian.,percutian memerlukan perbelanjaan yang besar!

Pendidikan yang bagaimanakah anda rancangkan untuk anak anda?
Adakah anda tahu berapa anggaran yang diperlukan untuk berlajar di universiti di Malaysia atau Luar negara.

Zaman anak-anak kita berbeza dengan zaman kita sekarang.ilmu memainkan peranan dan zaman orang bijak pandai.

Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi kos perubatan juga tinggi..

Apakah penyakit dan sakit kita dapat dielakkan?
Berapakah yang anda sediakan untuk kos perubatan anda?

Persaraan ada suatu percutian.,percutian memerlukan perbelanjaan yang besar!

Tinjauan menunjukan

-67% pesara bergantung kpada anak-anak untuk bantuan kewangan.
-hanya 5% rakyat malaysia bersedia untuk bersara.
-69% pesara menghabiskan simpanan KWSP dalam masa 3 tahun dan kebanyakannya menghabiskan dalam masa 10 tahun.

-------------------------------->GAYA HIDUP

Zaman sekarang zaman moden yang memerlukan perubahan dalam semua aspek termasuklah Gaya Hidup. Semuanya berkaitan Duit..Duit Dimana Kau Duit..?

Saturday, May 23, 2009



Salam Sejahtera.

Retail Financial Services (RFS) merupakan satu perkhidmatan yang diwujudkan untuk membantu orang ramai di Malaysia untuk membuat perancangan dan melaksanakan rancangan kewangan.

Antara Perkhidmatan yang dapat ditawarkan ialah seperti berikut:

1)Takaful Keluarga
2)Takaful Am
3)TakafulPerubatan (Kad Perubatan Takaful)
4)Insurans Hayat
5)Insurans Tradisional
6)Insurans dan Takaful Berkait Pelaburan
7)Insurans Perubatan (Kad Perubatan)
8)Insurans Am
8)Saham Amanah
Skim Simpanan

Semoga Perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan ini sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu kita mencapai objektif kewangan kita semua.Insyaallah.